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Chapter 7

Un-mute the Frontline

Josh York
Founder and CEO, GYMGUYZ
Chapter 7
Un-mute the Frontline
Frontline workers are some of the most informed, passionate, and smart folks in any company. So why don’t you give them a way to contribute their ideas and insights?
In this chapter we explore how...

• Leaders can design and implement feedback channels for their frontline workers

• What it takes to create and nurture a culture of sharing

• What it takes to turn discordant ideas into impactful tactics and strategies

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Chapter 7
How to set your service standards
"Frontline feedback should be funneled directly to a company’s operations department with no delays. "
Frontline workers are some of the most informed, passionate, and smart folks in any company. So why don’t you give them a way to contribute their ideas and insights?
In this chapter we explore how...

• Leaders can design and implement feedback channels for their frontline workers

• What it takes to create and nurture a culture of sharing

• What it takes to turn discordant ideas into impactful tactics and strategies

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"Frontline feedback should be funnelled directly to a company’s operations department - no delays; no red tape. Once that feedback arrives, the operations team should spring into action, pouring over the details and looking for anything they can fix or implement immediately."
Josh York
Founder and CEO, GYMGUYZ
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Josh York
Josh York is a true entrepreneur driven by passion. He's no stranger to risk and a leader who knows the value of building a strong culture with a commitment to being the best. As CEO of one of the world’s fastest growing fitness companies, he's also a best-selling author and founder of the Fuel your Drive podcast. He’s living proof of what a positive mental attitude and hard work can help you accomplish.
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Other contributors to this book
Chapter 1
“The service standard you set should be easy to understand, and even easier to follow...”
Christine McHugh
Former VP of Customer Service for Starbucks, Author
View author >
Chapter 6
"Set key metrics and share performance results daily..."
Jerry Campbell
Director, Consumer Services Service Now
View author >
Chapter 3
"Cultivate a culture of learning and improvement..."
Joe Thornton
EVP/COO of HMS Host, former COO of Jamba Juice (also worked at Starbucks)
View author >